We’ve been waiting for a long time to live that moment. Built in April 2020 during the beginning of the pandemic, Bullbay skatepark AKA FREEDOM Skatepark as been functioning with help of volunteers, sponsors and donors as best as we could with Freedom skatepark foundation members and staff. It is a great success in term of impact on the youth and development of skateboarding in Jamaica. Built by volunteers from 10 countries. The project coordinated by CJF Concrete Jungle Foundation, is the first JA skatepark to be active, alive and kicking ! With its educational programs, homework, music, gardening, this is a safe place for kids and young adults, a welcoming place for the all fambly...We hope more Freedom concrete park will rise from the Will of freedom fighters and skaters. We wish long life and many children to the @freedomskateparkja and his fambly)
Feel free to support the project… CLICK HERE to FS website… Big up yuself’
CHECK THE PHOTOS ALBUM – Link to Gleaner Article OCT 13th by asha.wilks@gleanerjm.

Interview bout’ JSC – extract article ” :
Rémy Walter, founder, and director of Jamaica Skate Culture Foundation told The Gleaner that his Intention and that of the other partners is to build more skateparks across Jamaica. He argued that this could not be the only locations’ kids to travel from other parishes to visit and engage in the sport. Walter stated that additional parks could result in the hosting of interparish competitions and give youth the opportunity to rack up accolades and win prizes. He also hopes to develop a mobile skatepark program, where skateparks are brought to schools across the Island for more children to be exposed to the sport.”Beyond skateboarding, we try to bring education. We’re trying to build values and respect; we try to teach them something about life, about sharing, Walter said.”lt’s action time, and the youth of this country need support. They need education because so much violence going on, not only ln Jamaica … lt’ s ugly, but what we need to do is to set an example and do our best to try to help those kids to develop into better persons; he added. Walter said that he ls currently engaging partners in discussions to build a skatepark in Negril.
During the opening ceremony, Alando Terrelonge, minister of state for culture, gender, entertainment, and sports, noted that sport empowers youth and has to ability to make considerably change lives. every”Sports may not be able to solve every single minute detail of crime and violence, but certainly, it is highly effective when used and combined with other that holistic interventions and programmes that can influence and engender hope; he said.
-Photos : LEFT /Stunt by Elishama Beckford and Nicholas Thompson / MIDDLE Joshua Mattis / RIGHT /Alando Terrelonge (second right), minister of state ln the Ministry of Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport. is assisted in maintaining his balance on a skateboard by Remy Walter (right) of Paris Skate Culture and Jamaica Skate Culture Foundation while Heidi Clarke (second left), executive director of Sandals Foundation, is assisted by Kayla Wheeler, female representative, Girls Skateboarding in Jamaica.
The occasion was Wednesday’s OPENING of FREEDOM SKATEPARK ln Bull Bay, St Andrew.
Article by / Photos Ian Allen
Categories: Bull Bay FREEDOM SKATEPARK JA SKATE KIDS JAMAICA jamaica skateboarding Kingston press skatepark