Category: skateboard



🛹 Ready to kickflip your skills to the next level?
Join our exclusive skateboarding training session with pro skater Benjamin Garcia (@benjigarcia) this mid-April in Saint Andrew! ( 6 days between 12 th to 27 th )

and another session with Valentin Lepagnez in MAY ( 6 days between 7 th to 26 th )
👉 6-day program to become a certified sk8 teacher !

How to Join? → FILL THIS FORM

What’s in it for you?
• 🎯 Limited Spots: Secure your place before they’re all gone!
• 🚌 Perks: We’ve got your transport and meals covered. (* 3500 JMD for each of the 6 days)

📣 Spread the Word:

Let’s get the buzz going! Share this with your crew 🙌
Thanks to our amazing partners:
• @freedomskateparkja
• @girlsskatejamaica
• @pariskateculture
• @bordeauxskateculture
• @france_diplo
• @france_in_jamaica


⏳ Don’t miss out on this rad opportunity to skate and learn from the best.
See you on board! 🛹🔥
#sk876 #skateboardjamaica #jamaicaskateboarding #teachinglearning #eachoneteachone



Reserve Your Seat for an Unforgettable Journey to Portland – FREE ! Immerse Yourself in Jamaica’s Skate Culture and Experience the Dynamic Boston BMX and Skatepark. Dm Us to Secure Your Seat. A Blend of Adventure and Culture Awaits.  DRESS THEME RETRO 80’s…Let’s ride and have fun ! Nuff respect to @lafranceasaintelucie  for the support  …thanks to the French Embassy in Jamaica and the ambassador Olivier Guyonvarch for his ongoing support…@france_in_jamaica @guyonvarcho #DiscoverSkateJamaica #BMXBostonExperience #PortlandAdventure



We will be offering FREE skateboarding lessons every Saturday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m from mid-June to 2nd of September. We meet at 11 a.m. at italish restaurant 2 minutes walk from the park to grab your board and protectors, then class begins at 11:30 a.m.

With instructors: Jahvi, Deondre aka Zulu, and Tre

We are grateful for the grant we received from @lafranceasaintelucie and can’t wait to see what our students will accomplish.
To subscribe, go to and download the SKATE CULTURE APP to register online (12 spaces are available every free session)…There is also the option of taking a private class.

#thankyou #skateboardinglessons #skatejamaica #frenchembassystlucie

Third anniversary of Bull bay Freedom skatepark

JSC Gift for the third anniversary of Freedom Skatepark

This May, JSC donated a new mini-ramp for the Freedom skatepark in Bull Bay 8 miles, to celebrate the 3 years anniversary in April of the skatepark built by the Concrete Jungle Foundation with the help of private partners including Paris Skate Culture our main donator and one of the main to that skatepark since day one. 

We decided to mark the occasion by adding a 95-centimeter-high by 6-meter-wide concrete mini-ramp to enable youngsters to learn the basics and more experienced skaters to learn new tricks. The cost was around $8,000, for a total value of $14,000 USD, with contributions from partners and volunteers including our director from Remy Walter who managed the project all the way from suggesting the idea to making it a reality with the help of a few motivated individuals…Many thanks to the Freedom skatepark staff, Blake, Ronley, Balla; to Rastaman Léon the lion, BMX Okeen Wallace, all the volunteers and Harry from UK employed as the technical construction manager. 

Many thanks to the supporters and sponsors who helped with the project: Bordeaux skate culture, VINCI jamaica Tim’, CARIB CEMENT Jamaica, Sandals Heidi, and for the discounts granted by Tankweld and Premix, Mister C block factory 10 miles…Boston skaters Zulu & Jahvi and the tourists who helped out: USA Dylan zdon, Australia Aurenin.

Our commitment to this island is a continuation of the work started in 2015 at Treasure beach and the creation of our Jamaican foundation in 2020, JAMAICA SKATE CULTURE in 2020 with our two Jamaican directors Kimberley Harris and Kayla Wheeler two involved Ladies, which is an organization with Charity status since November 2021.

Our aim is to create more skateparks and develop skateboarding in the Caribbean. The foundation has just received a $5,000 grant from the French Embassy in St Lucia to take kids from disadvantaged neighborhoods to skatepark sessions, girls’ sessions and organize two national competitions. 

Thanks to our French ambassador to Jamaica, Olivier Guyonvarcho for his support.
Long life to Freedom skatepark !




Wanna help ? Link JSC foundation

Read Eli Reed Interview one of our Ambassador in Thrasher Magazine Nov. about Jamaica skateboarding and RVCA Jamaica Tour with PRO Team : Mark Suciu skater of the year, Curren Caples, Donta Hill, Julian Davidson, Evan Mock. Thanks to Austin and RVCA crew for this opportunity. We need more pros coming on the Island and more skateparks ) Come again ! ! !


Demo Freedom Bull Bay skatepark May 18 th

You’ re all welcome this Wednesday May 18 th from 3 pm to 6 pm at the Freedom skatepark in Bull bay 8 miles with RVCA pros team : Mark Suciu, Donta Hill, Curren Caples, Julian Davidson and their JA ambassador Eli Reed ! Thanks to @rvcaskate #loveskateboarding @freedomskateparkja

Photo : Half Way Tree  Transport Centre – Kingston JA
From the right to the left : Remy Walter JSC, Joshua & Daniel Mattis JSC team, Frog boss, *Curren Caples, Eli Reed, *Mark Suciu, *Donta Hill, *Julian Davidson ( *=Team RVCA)

CJF Bull Bay trip to Boston

Jamaica Skateboarding EduSkate’s Graduating Excursion

The Concrete Jungle Foundation (CJF) is a UK registered charity organization which works to build skateparks in underprivileged communities around the world. These public parks are then locally staffed and facilitated with youth programs and centers. The Freedom Skatepark is CJF’s third project and is located in 8 mile, Bull Bay, Jamaica – just south of Kingston. This video gives you a glimpse of our graduating class and their first skateboarding excursion to Boston Bay. Enjoy !



Freedom Skatepark is the second skatepark in Jamaica. Made possible by the Concrete Jungle Foundation, their many partners and passionate young local surfers and skaters, the SK876 crew. The park has given the youth of Jamaica an outlet to express themselves. In this documentary we explore the process of how and why the park was built, along with the work they have done over a year after it’s completion. Thank you to Concrete Jungle Foundation and everyone involved in making the Freedom Skatepark a reality…

The Freedom To Flourish documentary by jago Stock

Have a taste of the “FREEDOM to Flourish” !  Concrete Jungle Foundation present this 2021 documentary at the FREEDOM SKATEPARK in Bull Bay.

Seeing how skateboarding can change lives. Sparkels of poetry in a suburb of  Kingston. Fifteen minutes away from town. Facing ‘Copa Cobana’.

Come sk8 in 8 Miles Bull Bay St Andrew with SK876 skateboarders 

A FLIM by Jaco Stock and Tim Van Asdonc…

Concrete Jungle Foundation presents  ‘Freedom to Flourish’, a short documentary by Jago Stock. Let’s get into Freedom skatepark in Bull Bay, 8 miles in Jamaica, fifteen minutes from Kingston in St Andrew parish. The park has been made by Concrete Jungle Foundation a  European NJO with the help of volunteers from 10 countries, and partners such as Sandals , Seprod, the Skateroom, Flipping youth,  Paris Skate Culture, New Line, carib cement, Pre Mix, Tank Weld and Vinci JA for lending us essential tools. From march to April 2020 almost starting with the pandemic this has been an epic and happy adventure… In that movie you can feel and touch what is bring to the community and to those kids that started skateboarding with this concrete wave. Thanks to all that are making dreams come true and believe in the power of a piece of wood with wheels. Meet the staff, and the local actors such as SK876, Shama, Ivah ,Ronald, Daniel, Frogboss, Kayla, Rayquon and see the magic of a commun effort for the commun good. Thanks to the founders of this project and help putting it together : Kevin Bourke, Will Wilson from Flipping Youth and CJF for making it a reality. Big up to Paul and the Bull Bay football club, Jamnesia for hosting the crew, Julian Mair for fencing the park and all parents and volunteers in every day life of Freedom Skatepark JA !

 If you like what you see, you can donate to maintain and improve the place and the youth center programme, on the Freedom foundation website. @freedomskateparkja

Andre “Wildfaya” Thompson stabbed at the age of 20 years old in Spanish town, was the main inspiration to create this safe place for all. In 2009 he was dreaming, asking out loud for a skatepark to be built for Jamaican youth. The skatepark is dedicated to his memory…His DREAM is fulfilled Discover him in this video from 2009

Follow CJF @cjfjamaica @concretejunglefoundation

Freedom Skatepark trip to St Thomas

Video from Concrete Jungle Foundation channel : “Most children in Jamaica have not been to school since the start of the pandemic. Some fall through the cracks of the online education system, as not everyone has access to a device or an internet connection. With support from @sandalsfoundation in funding and @seprodfoundation in alimentation, we started our Homework Programme at the Freedom Skatepark to provide more accessibility to education for our regular skatepark visitors. The youth responded incredibly well and engaged in our classes on a daily basis… despite having the beautiful @freedomskateparkja right next to the classroom to skate. We are proud our students value their education, so we took them on a fieldtrip before the Summer Programme starts at the Freedom Skatepark. Bigs ups to our teacher @icahwilmot” CJF


FREEDOM SKATEPARK – A Concrete Jungle Foundation video
by Tim Van Asdanck and Shaqueal

The Energetic Nomads were the first group of graduates from the Edu-Skate classes at the Freedom Skatepark in Jamaica. It has been a year that they’ve been skating and their progress has been surprising us on a daily basis. Head to the Concrete Jungle Foundation website to read the interview with the group and follow their Youtube page !

Energetic Nomads Interview
Energetic Nomads Youtube page

Spring mini ramp in St Thomas

Skating news ! Spring brought a new mini ramp in St Thomas !  Supported by Joey Tershey & Laza Morgan , Josh Matlock as master builder . It’s Open to everyone who want to skate ! Big up to Eli Reed, St Andrew Crew and all those who helped.  One more spot ) …Not the last ! 

*5 Nickel hill road – Port Morant  / GPS “17.91225,-76.3349722″ Airy Castle, Jamaica

More skateboards and less guns urges Blvk H3ro

Singer and songwriter Blvk H3ro sees himself as a cultural ambassador and his sermon is positive vibes and youth upliftment, which he says are especially needed in this disturbing era. “I need to stay clean and provide a different avenue for the youth.
What we need is more skateboards, more skate parks and less guns,” the Original singer stated. The Rastafarian entertainer has been giving his full support to the Freedom Skatepark and Youth Centre in Bull Bay, St Andrew, and says he is pleased that the first time it went viral was after he posted it on Twitter. “It’s a joy to go there and see all types of people enjoying themselves. Blvk H3ro says he supports the venture by doing his television interviews from the location, and even when he is told that he can have it to use free of cost, he still pays.
“We need a skate park in every parish,” he said
Full Article By Yasmin Peru – The Star 21 Fev
Gleaner 16 Fev Yasmine Peru

Thank you – Kayla Wheeler

“Thank You Skate Co is stoked to donate to Freedom Skatepark & Youth Center in Bull Bay, Jamaica to help provide Kayla Wheeler and all the other ripping skateboarders in Jamaica with resources to develop skills and encourage entrepreneurship. Skateboarding is a culture that extends beyond tricks. 100% of profits from our One Love Jamaica deck are donated to the Freedom Skatepark & Youth Center. Get the Thank You Skate Co One Love Jamaica Deck here: thankyouskateco.jamaica​ ….Check out Kayla’s instagram: @kaylawheelerr 
*Kayla is one of the directors of board of our foundation and member of the Freedom skatepark foundation ‘s committee